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All Rooting methods offer very much similar functionality, but Magisk and the way you can use any application without any issues makes it stand out from other root methods. Suppose having SuperSU and want to run a banking app is not possible, unrooting is the only way to use the bank app...
Magic Mixies electronic toy Challenergy This Japanese start-up ran simulations in Inventor Nastran to measure wind stresses on its disaster-resistant wind turbine. Typhoon-proof wind turbine Image courtesy of Challenergy.How is simulation changing? The first simulations (before computers) were phy...
WhatsApp marketing is all about relationships with the audience and delivering value. However, there is space for some creativity in these conditions. Let’s take a once-over of WhatsApp campaigns from all sorts of businesses and get a dose of inspiration for your own brand promotions. Klook ...
Open source software is source code made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software.
A visual model of the behavior of something you intend to build or establish in a workflow is becoming a critical business tool. Today, you can analyze the behavior of an engineering, manufacturing, medical, resources, transport, or supply chain project over time using simulation software to hel...
What is an AI Haircut Try-on App? A hairstyle try-on app is a digital tool, which uses artificial intelligence to show different hairstyles on a user's photo or live camera feed. Users can upload a picture and choose from different hairstyles. The app to try haircuts will then use AI...
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Book Creator 5.0 is here, and now you can switch to a brand new reading mode in the app. What’s more, you can have Siri read your book to you! June 2016 Book Creator now has full support for shared iPads With our latest update to the paid version of Book Creator for iPad we ...
Do you want to know what is Safe Mode? Learn how this feature can help detect troublesome third-party apps that may be slowing done or freezing your phone.