How Power BI matches your role The flow of work in Power BI How Microsoft Fabric works with Power BI Show 3 more Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive ...
Power BI is an example of one of the services that's integrated with Microsoft Fabric, and your organization's OneLake data store is an example of the data that can be used, analyzed, or visualized. Large organizations find Microsoft Fabric particularly useful, since it can corral and then ...
Power BI is an example of one of the services that's integrated with Microsoft Fabric, and your organization's OneLake data store is an example of the data that can be used, analyzed, or visualized. Large organizations find Microsoft Fabric particularly useful, since it can corral and then ...
Power BI Desktop is no longer supported on Windows 7. Power BI Desktop is supported on Windows 8 or newer versions of Windows, for the most recent release of Power BI Desktop only. The following updates are new to Power BI Desktop this month: General Upgrade Power BI Desktop to 64-bit ...
Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors that work together to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights. Your data might be an Excel spreadsheet, or a collection of cloud-based and on-premises hybrid data warehouse...
Learn what business intelligence is and how to use business intelligence tools to uncover actionable insights that drive strategic business decisions.
BI最近的更新,给出新的开展盈亏平衡分析的方法。 (1)用Excel制作盈亏平衡分析模型 (2)用友金蝶ERP BI中的盈亏分析模型, (3)Crystal Xcelsius制作的盈亏平衡分析模型 (4)Power BI 的新建参数功能 现在,又有了新的工具,那就是PivotModel老师带大家使用”新建参数“模拟功能,来创建 ”量本利“分析,寻找保本点。
Merging ADX queries in Power BI Why merge The merge operation (Table.NestedJoin) is the M language equivalent to creating relationships between tables in the model. The resulting ADX operation is join. You can join ADX tables by writing KQL, by using relationships or by merging queries in Po...
Power BI提供的假设分析功能。 如何使用what-if: 在Power BI工作簿中创建一个新的空白页面 点击建模选项卡下-新建参数,如图 3. 输入将在假设分析中使用的最小值和最大值,以及增量。 正如你在下面看到的,我输入了一个从1到15的整数范围。我也给了我的参数名称为“增长”。 4. 点击确定 5. 请注意, 在 ...
This has been only a high level introduction to Power Fx, there is so much more to the story. You can learn more in thefledgling Power Fx docsor you can read about it in the existingPower Apps docs. You can also experience it today inPower Apps canvas with a free trial. ...