What is Lyme disease? How an you prevent it, and what do you do if you get it?(Ask Doctor Cory)SerVaas, Cory
Lyme disease is present in all 50 states, but the illness is most commonly found in the Northeastern US. Lyme disease is prevalent in areas with a high population of ticks, especially ticks infected with the Lyme disease bacteria. More than 50% of ticks in New York State carry the bacteria...
Some, though by no means all, recipients of a tick bite may find the classic Lyme disease rash which shows up in the infamous shape of a bull's eye. But it is important to be aware that it is entirely possible to have Lyme disease without ever seeing any sign of a rash. If a bul...
Lyme disease is caused by borrelia bacteria, which humans usually contract from the bite of a tick carrying the bacteria. Ticks that can carry borrelia bacteria live throughoutmost of the United States, though Lyme disease is most common in the upper Midwest and the northeastern and mid-Atlantic...
What is Lyme disease? Lyme diseaseis an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi and, rarely, Borrelia mayonii, that's transmitted via infected tick bites. Symptoms generally appear after one week, with approximately 70 to 80% of people experiencing a classic “...
6.3K Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried in the gut of deer ticks. Learn about this tick-borne danger and then explore its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Related to this QuestionWhat...
What is Lyme disease? February 8, 2015,Nathan,Comment Closed Lyme disease is a disease that is caused by an infected tick. At least three species of bacteria are identified to cause Lyme disease. These bacteria are typically transmitted from ticks to humans and cause… ...
Lyme disease is a perplexing illness. Early in 1970s in Old Lyme Connecticut, Lyme disease was first described as a rheumatological syndrome called "Lyme Arthritis". The symptoms of " Lyme Arthritis" mimicked Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) and many kids with Lyme disease were misdiagnosed ...
Lyme disease is emerging in Canada due to expansion of the range of the tick vector Ixodes scapularis from the United States. National surveillance for human Lyme disease cases began in Canada in 2009. Reported numbers of cases increased from 144 cases in 2009 to 2025 in 2017. It has been ...