Your numbers seem to be off from the errno definitions in LWIP. don't see a '115'. '11' is "not connected"; '5' is "operation in progress". TypicallyERR_INPROGRESS means the operation hasn't been finished when the call that invokes the operation returns, in your case, perhaps...
Packya IS-IT--Management Oct 18, 2000 29 US I have been sniffing my network using Lansure (available at I have been getting lots of errors belonging to the error type "TCP re-transmit". What are these errors and is there any way to reduce them? Any sugg...
"My demand is to restore citizenship" to the Rohingya people, Lwin maintains If It Wants to, The World Can End This Genocide: Q&A with Rohingya Activist Nay San Lwin At the time, 96 rooms in the hotel were occupied with 141 guests, most of whom were foreigners, U Htay Lwin, a spokesp...
I would like to use the netconn api in lwIP to use multicast. There is the function "netconn_join_leave_group" which has the parameter "netif_addr" which is described as "the IP address of the network interface on which to send the imgp message". ...
When we check directly on the client we never see duplicates, so it appears some path through our network is causing this. Microsoft hasn't addressed all of the traces we've taken where there are no duplicates. Nor have they addressed the fact that our 2003 servers don't have this ...