Easy to understand graphic explaining the difference between lux and lumens as well as a conversion calculator.
Theluminous fluxis similar to a quantity of (light) energy, and if you spread it over a larger surface area, the light will become dimmer. For instance, if a luminous flux of 1000lumensis spread across 1 square meter, that’s 1000 LUX. If 1000 lumens is spread across 10 square meters...
(physics) The luminous flux incident on unit area of a surface; measured in lux or lumens. Luminance The quality of being luminous. Illuminance The luminous flux incident on a unit area Luminance The amount of light that passes through, is emitted, or is reflected from a particular area, an...
A lumen is a unit of luminous flux and measures the total amount of visible light emitted by a source. 14 Can you have high lumens but low lux? Yes, if light is spread over a larger area, it can result in high lumens but low lux levels. 14 How do lumens and lux differ in practi...
Darkness is a condition of light absence, while a shadow is a dark silhouette cast by an object obstructing light. 9 Can darkness be measured? Darkness can be measured in terms of light levels, using units such as lux or lumens, which indicate the absence or minimal presence of light. 8...