To throw into a mass; to unite in a body or sum without distinction of particulars. The expenses ought to be lumped together. Bump The jaw of either of the middle pockets. Lump To take in the gross; to speak of collectively. Not forgetting all others, . . . whom for brevity, but ...
Derived from the cashmere goat of the Gobi Desert and Kashmir regions, cashmere wool is very fine and soft but also strong. 2. Pashmina wool A close relative of the cashmere goat, the pashmina goat produces fibers so similar to cashmere that these two types of fabric are often lumped to...
Noncount (Mass):something that can’t be counted (often because it’s an abstract concept), e.g.,air, red, peace.Or an aggregation of people or things that are lumped together as a whole, likeluggage, information,orsalt.Not quite so simple! Caution! Be careful not to confuse non...
What is strain energy in reference to strength of materials? How do measures of effectiveness differ from requirements? What is the lumped-heat-capacity system? In what conditions can the system be applied? In how many axes is a pin connection capable of resisting loads? In other wor...
Since there were too many martyrs for each to be given a day, they were lumped together into one day. In the next century, All Saints Day was changed by Pope Gregory III to today's date--November l. People prepared for their celebration with a night of vigil on Hallows' Eve -- ...
aIsolated mitotic chromosomes are roughly 2:1 protein to nucleic acid on a mass basis . About half of this protein is histone, but the remainder is often lumped together under the not-very informative term ‘nonhistone proteins’. 被隔绝的mitotic染色体大致是2:1蛋白质对核酸根据一个许多依据。
A galaxy is any system of gas, dust, and billions of stars held together by gravitational forces. Normally, a galaxy comprises lumped up stars that can be confused as star-dust in our night sky. The number of galaxies in our universe can be as high as hundred billion. ...
important step in the maturing of this country as an independent nation (albeit one who still needs the Queen to approve our Head of State rather than being grown-ups who can choose our own) and shouldn’t be lumped in with a day that should just be massive celebration like Australia Day...
So how can anyone be lumped together under one heading? I eat meat because I choose to. I would raise my own if I had the resources. I see no reason to slam an obviously conscientious farmer based on your experience with an obviously heinous one. Reply The dairy guy May 14, 2017 ...
Dielectric absorption, also referred to as “soakage”, refers to energy storage within a capacitor’s dielectric that is absorbed and released on a longer time scale than would be predicted by the device’s nominal capacitance and ESR. In the lumped-element model, it can be represented as ...