Lubricants (like mineral oils) Stimulants, such as Correctol But note: You should only use stimulants if your constipation is severe or other treatments have not worked. There are also prescription medications that help treat constipation. Your doctor may choose to prescribe one of the following...
Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board, Telangana Board etc ...
Fossil fuels may be on the way out but petrochemicals, like lubricants, are here to say. So, how is lubricant analysis developing in 2025? As industri... 8 trends in lubricant analysis for 2025 Lubricant analysis Paltro, the automation and A.I. division of Ducom, is excited to introduc...
Her hands are natural lubricants when she rubs my back. By arsi20151 — On Jun 01, 2009 People use Odaban! This will sure cure or at least control your sweaty palms or feet. By anon33125 — On Jun 01, 2009 Just Another Sweaty Day in South Carolina, Ugghh! but i wish it ...
Lubricants 0.100 Special napthas 0.045 Aviation gasoline 0.011 Kerosene 0.008 Waxes 0.004 Total 18.120 3. Liquid fuel transport demand Liquid hydrocarbon fuels are used in transportation because of their high energy density per unit volume and mass compared to any other class of chemicals that exist ...
polygenelubricants 383k129129 gold badges565565 silver badges625625 bronze badges Show 8 more comments 63 Here's an example which helps to understand this: public class Main { static abstract class A { abstract void foo(); A() { System.out.println("Constructing A"); foo(); } }...
Knowledge Check Air friction can be reduced by making the shape of the objects Athe use of lubricants. Bpolishing surfaces. Cby increasing the height. DBoth (a) and (b)Submit Soil erosion can be reduced by: Amaking dams Bhill formation Creducing overgrazing Dplanting proper plantsSubmit ...
Check out the industrial lubricants forum. Lots of good info there. Rod Upvote 0 Downvote Not open for further replies. Similar threads Locked Question Minimum curve radius along the road 1 TrustButVerify Oct 25, 2023 Transportation engineering general discussion Replies 8 Views 730 Oct ...
Lubricants:If you experience vaginal dryness or pain during sex, a vaginal lubricant may help. Devices:Arousal can be increased by stimulating the clitoris. To provide clitoral stimulation, try using a vibrator or other sex toys. Medical treatment for female sexual dysfunction ...
Q.1. Why graphite is in use as a lubricant? Answer – Graphite is in use as a lubricant because each layer of graphite can slide over others due to weak Vander wall forces. Hence it shows lubricant property and used as solid lubricants. ...