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A Single Premium Immediate Annuity (sometimes referred to as an "SPIA") may be the right annuity for you if you are looking for payments that begin right away and continue for the rest of your life or for a specified period of time. The annuity is purchased from an insurance company ...
because of how time-consuming it is, it often means that you have to pay more to cover your cost of trading, and that can mean paying more for bills, training, commissions where applicable, and other expenses that may arise.
Bitcoin, under the guise of trustless distributed ledger technology – from a seed (whitepaper), to a sprout (software) – has grown into a sexy new emerging asset class as a full four and five figure cryptocurrency that is responsible for a $200 billion industry today (as high as over $...
There is a lot of hoopla, hype and hysteria hovering around in a congested cryptoverse, it's easy to get lost. Let's look at how bitcoin stands on its own “two fees” apart from ETH, LTC and its distant token cousin, BCH.