FEMALE STUDENT: So wind is actually generated by the Sun? MALE PROFESSOR: Well, Earth's rotation plays a role, and there’re other factors, and we'll come back to all that,but principally, yes.The Sun creates the temperature differential that creates the areas of high pressure and low pr...
Student: So wind is actually generated by the Sun? Professor: Well, Earth's rotation plays a role. And there are other factors and we'll come back to all that. But, principally, yes. The Sun creates the temperature differential that creates the areas of high pressure and low pressure tha...
What type of weather is associated with high pressure? What kind of weather is associated with high pressure? Bad weather is associated with what kind of air pressure? What is high and low pressure on a weather map? What does low pressure mean in meteorology?
High intelligence2.When may people have more intelligence? E. When a rain comes F. When very hot weather comes G. When a strong wind comes . When low air pressure comes3.How may low air pressure make people feel? . Forgetful . Sad . Angry . Tired4.What will happen to people in ...
FEMALE STUDENT: So wind is actually generated by the Sun?MALE PROFESSOR: Well, Earth's rotation plays a role, and there’re other factors, and we'll come back to all that, but principally, yes. The Sun creates the temperature differential that creates the areas of high pressure and low ...
What is considered high and low humidity?HumidityHumidity is the concentration of water vapor that is available in the air. Water vapor is the gas state of water that floats in the air and cannot be seen visually. The purpose of humidity is to help sustain life by increasing oxygen levels ...
and mental health. By valuing and honoring the elderly, we can create a more compassionate and supportive society that values the dignity and worth of all its members, regardless of age.In conclusion, recognizing the significance o...
t think that fluency is necessarily what people should aim for. To be fluency is very close to actually mastering a language. Depending why someone is studying a language that may not be the goal. Nonetheless even if you’re happy with a tourist level somewhere between B1 and B2, you ...
This is because odors are repressed in a fair, high-pressure center. When a bad weather low moves in, air pressure lessens and odors are released. You can also hear an approaching storm. Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and return to earth with increased force. An old saying describes...
Experts say anticyclones over western parts of Rajasthan in March and the absence of western disturbances had triggered the early and extreme heatwaves. Anticyclones cause hot and dry weather by sinking winds around high-pressure systems in the atmosphere. ...