have to ask first what exactly is justice. In this sense, philosophy in the end hopes that through such reflection and self-understanding, one will become a man of understanding and be able to live with understanding. In this way, one can truly achieve self-realisation and a good life. ...
But when it comes to looking back on a life once lived, those tangible things, the measuring cups of our entire existence seem emptier than ever. 你看,我们活着的时候,追求的是各种有形的成功,但是当回首往事时,那些有形的东西,以及证明我们生活过的事物,此刻却像量杯一样空空如也,比以往任何时候都...
At the end of the day, there is no one singularly acceptable path to the good life. You have to find a path that works best for you.According to the passage, the psychologically rich life . A. means living a luxurious life B. involves various intense emotions C. combines pleasure with...
一个哈佛教授的TED演讲,一本书,一部电影,冥冥中,这三者交织在一起,帮我拭去了眼前的迷雾,给了我力量。 这个TED演讲我其实很早之前就看过,但彼时尚且领悟不深,大约是在经历自我焦虑和育儿焦虑的过程中,不…
网络什麽是美好的人生 网络释义 1. 什麽是美好的人生 ...,研究的范围主要以两大问题──人应该如何生活,包括什麽是美好的人生(what is a good life);人应该如何行为,包括什 … www.ppt2txt.com|基于2个网页 例句 释义: 全部,什麽是美好的人生
At the end of the day, there is no one accep works best for you. As Nietzsche put it:"No one must cross the river of life. There may be countle can walk but you. Where does it lead? Don't ask.32. The author mentions the two main ideas of the A. introduce another aspect ...
What makes a good life?(续)是什么成就美好的生活? And living in the midst of good, warm relationships is protective.生活在良好的,温暖的关系中是有保护作用的。And the third big lesson that we learned about relationships and our health is ...
meaning in their lires, a s izabl e number o f peopl e ar e content merely living a p sychologically rich existence.As Oishi and his colleagues conclude, "W e belier e that taking th e psychologically rich li f e seriously w ill deepen and enrich our understanding o f well-bein g...
【What makes a good life?】哈佛大学一个调研组织在75年间,对724名成年男性的工作、家庭、健康情况进行调查,一组是哈佛大学学生,另一组是来自波士顿平民区。后来这些人分别成了医生,律师,工人,等等,还有一位成了美国的总统。有的人从社会最底层一路走到了最顶层,而有的人正好相反……最后得出结论:好的人际关...