The concept of liturgy extends beyond the Christian context to include the structured forms of worship found in other religions, such as Judaism and Islam, which have their own liturgical traditions. In contrast, the Mass is inherently Christian, with its rituals, prayers, and structure deeply roo...
The church's worship services are carefully planned to follow the liturgical calendar. 8 Cult Features a defined leadership and group dynamics, with intense devotion. The cult's leader was charismatic, attracting followers from across the country. 8 Worship A universal aspect of human spirituality,...
Martos, Joseph
First: not everyone can manage the physicality of our worship spaces. The congregation I serve has worked hard to make our sanctuary accessible, and it is, but it’s a long walk or wheelchair ride from the accessible entrance (which is right next to the garbage bin enclosure) to the sanct...
When is Advent in 2024? The liturgical calendar of Advent focuses on the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Each year, Advent will begin on a Sunday between November 27th and December 3rd. Here are the Advent Sundays for this year, 2024: First Sunday of Advent - December 1st (Start of...
It is hard to see it otherwise. All the fine talk about accompaniment, listening, dialogue and diversity are little better than weasel words, since these proposed ideals are specifically denied those who desire the traditional liturgical worship rooted in more than a millennium. All manner of ...
Instead of a softer shape, a muscular body is more common. But really, more people appreciate and accept dancers of all kinds of different body shapes today than ever before. Famous Ballet Dancers with Nontraditional Dancers’ Bodies Misty Copeland was told she had the “wrong body type” to...
But how is music used in Greek Orthodox worship? In what promises to be an interesting and informative session, Demi Politakis will take us into the music of this tradition, including its place in current-day Australia, allowing us to appreciate further this fascinating liturgical tradition. ...
Tempered by the maxim, “not too much” of any one thing, the guitarist might “accompany” the organist in generating a unique version of the Gloria. The result is a kind of liturgical mash up, mixing elements of “Dueling Banjos” with “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better.” There...
While Evangelical-style beliefs can influence individual members, the Orthodox Church as a whole does not conform to Evangelical theology or practices. 14 What are the main differences in worship between Orthodox and Evangelical churches? Orthodox worship is highly ceremonial and liturgical, while Evange...