The term "linter" stems from the origins of a tool known as "lint," which was initially developed by Stephen C. Johnson in 1978 at Bell Labs. Originally designed to analyze C source code, this utility paved the way for the modern concept of linting. Today modern linters are available fo...
The full-stack programming language Mar 01, 20248 mins Show me more feature What is retrieval-augmented generation? More accurate and reliable LLMs By Martin Heller Feb 27, 20256 mins Artificial IntelligenceGenerative AISoftware Development video ...
Jan 17, 20252 mins feature Why you should use Docker and OCI containers Jan 15, 20259 mins Show me more analysis Avoiding the cloud migration graveyard By David Linthicum Feb 14, 20255 mins Cloud ComputingDevops video The Zig language: Like C, only better ...
Lint: Lightweight and fast, it detects potential bugs and coding errors in C or C++ programs, improving code quality. SonarQube: A comprehensive tool for analyzing code quality and security across multiple languages. It integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines for ongoing quality assurance. PMD:...
It is a a development server that uses Webpack to compile React, JSX, and ES6, auto-prefix CSS files. The Create React App uses ESLint to test and warn about mistakes in the code. To create a Create React App run the following code on your terminal: ...
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XML is not a programming language. However, as a markup language, it is used to annotate data using tags, which interpret that data. Programming languages consist of instructions to implementalgorithms, while markup languages are used to format data for processing by programs running algorithms that...
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What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it? Ask Question Asked 15 years, 2 months ago Modified 3 months ago Viewed 1.2m times 8513 Recently, I ran some of my JavaScript code through Crockford's JSLint, and it gave the following error: Pr...
It's often said that the two hardest problems in programming are caching, naming things, and off by one errors. Some degree of caching is required in almost every application to drastically improve performance. Unfortunately, not only is it easy to get wrong, there are also lots of different...