A line is a one-dimensional figure, which has length but no width and extends infinitely in both directions. Learn about lines, line segments, types and more!
Cut:more muscles and more lines (线条分明的肌肉) 这种属于喜欢练到看上去满眼都是muscles(肌肉)的身材。Cut有‘切割’的意思,所以表示肌肉的线条像是用切割出来一样的清晰分明。 Ripped: same as ‘get cut’; to have more ...
Vincent馬上拿起他的手機,想找出手機上Line的QR code,對方才又加了一句:"What is your line of work?” 1. What is your line不是問你的Line帳號,而是… 喔原來對方是要問他做哪一個行業,"What is your line?”是用英文和陌生人聊天時,很常見的一句開場白。 What is your line?/What is your line of...
Here’s a riddle: What do traffic jams, long lines and waiting for a vacation to start all have in common? There is one answer. ___36___.In the Digital Age, we’re used to having what we need immediately and right ai our fingertips. However, research suggests that if we practiced ...
If a manufacturer wants to use 100% recycled packaging within five years for its 10 product lines, it may focus on switching one product line’s packaging every six months and consider meeting that target an indicator that it’s on track to meet its five-year goal. A restaurant chain that...
A company that is growing its earnings or reducing its costs is said to be improving its bottom line. Most companies aim to improve their bottom lines by simultaneously increasing revenues (i.e., generating top-line growth) and improving efficiency (or cutting costs). ...
Here is an example of a metaphor: Grad school is a marathon. This metaphor evokes images of pacing oneself while running a long distance, potentially facing inclines, declines, and obstacles along the way. A second sentence that continues the metaphor makes it an extended metaphor: Good frien...
The first three lines of Frost’s poem use consonance with both the s and d sounds concurrently, while the fourth line uses standalone consonance for the th- and hard c sounds. Example of consonance in a song: And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking ...
So, if you’re conducting business across state lines, your payroll compliance becomes that much more difficult. A good way to stay compliant is to task an executive or someone from your legal department to compile a list of all the labor laws that apply to your organization. Ask that he ...
—Opening lines ofJane Eyreby Charlotte Brontë These two paragraphs give us the essentials. We know that the narrator is a child with an unkind family (character), that they live somewhere bleak and chilly (setting), and that the speaker has been made to feel inferior to her peers (them...