Topic(s):Lifeway Format(s):Text Articles Share this post: NASHVILLE (BP) — This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, Lifeway publishes Sunday School curr...
Mark Whitt, Collegiate/Young Adult Specialist and National Collegiate Ministry Leader, LifeWay Christian Resources “OLD FASHIONEDhas original, quirky characters and a valuable message about the importance of a broad, balanced faith that makes room for mercy and self-forgiveness.” John Kennedy, “Fai...
RHIPRush Hour Information Program(LifeWay Christian Resources) RHIPRolling Hills in Pacifica(clothing) RHIPRaven-Hawk International Press RHIPRoseville Housing Improvement Plan RHIPRobb Hawks International Productions Copyright, All rights reserved. ...
It is a story told by Jesus and is often interpreted as a lesson on the responsible use of one's abilities, resources, and gifts. Jesus often packaged spiritual truths and lessons of faith into short, relatable narratives known as parables. These stories were his way of explaining the ...
Lifeway Ministry – Bill Fay Lifeway has great resources for all ministries including videos that feature Bible Man whom I have met personally. Search Videos Everyone Is Invited and Must Have RESPECT and Be Born Again. I can be at peace with all men when all men are at peace with God. ...
I was discussing end-times prophecy with a colleague who is a Christian and she said,“I don’t think the rapture will be in my lifetime”. When I asked her on what she based this, her answer was“I’m still young and have my life to live, plus things are not changing that much...