What is life? It depends on the liver. 生命是什么,这取决于肝脏。 看不见的旋律 黑色喜剧。 你以为我是连环杀手吗?杀了一个又一个。 男主简直是行走的案发现场! 我是搞艺术的,总会有一些疯狂的点子。 这个面具真的是...太突然了。 小胖墩os:我也很委屈。 小胖墩ost:呵,女人。 湿婆神的庇佑。 或...
谎言中那只盲兔既象征男主,虽然被猎人瞄上了,但还是活了下来。 2.肝脏形状的树在路边,the liver,男主正是在这儿做出了选择,也是现实和谎言的分界线,现实中男主跟医生一起上了飞机。而看电影的我们也一样,对一些不好的事也在内心中进行过挣扎,比如在面对一些威胁时能够勇于站出来揭露一起犯罪,比如对一些像买...
实在是一个很好的本子。开篇第一句话已经给全片定调并揭示了所有的谜底:What is life? It depends on the liver. 这也是结局部分中医生的台词。因为是医生的发言,而且又在片头不好透露太多,中文翻译采取了直译的方式将其翻译为“生命是什么?生命离不开肝脏。”肝脏是人的造血器官,这句话说的确实很对,但是跟全...
what is life it depends on the liver 生而为人我们一路都在做选择而选择决定了你是谁 #调音师(2019)[电影]##电影调音师# http://t.cn/RghlcLS
“What is life? It depends on the liver.” “敌意不要钱,友谊要收费,为什么心脏更像一个黑洞?”【转发】@上海交通大学:#800号电影院# 《调音师》“What is life? It depends on the liver.”“敌意不要钱,友谊要...
WHAT IS LIFE?IT DEPENDS ON THE LIVER—SQL复杂查询(2021/11/11) 上一节,通过5种汇总函数、Group by、Having、Order by和limit等子句学习,结合解决实际业务步骤,更深入学习了sql: Forint:有一天就是今天,今天就是有一天—SQL汇总分析(2021/11/9)1 赞同 · 0 评论文章 本节通过视图、子查询(普通子查询、...
What is life,it depends on the liver. liver 生活者,肝脏 此版本比原版新增的元素 钢琴师装盲人被卷进杀人案、非法器官交易中 在修罗场中保住了自己的肝脏和生命并过上了自己想要的生活 和很多印度片一样节奏比较拖沓 铺垫太长,个人还是觉得歌舞、谈恋爱和小男孩镜头太多.....
If you are curious with the life expectancy of liver cirrhosis, maybe there is no definite answer. It depends on many factors; check them here. One well-known degenerative disease of the liver is called Cirrhosis. This is when the liver’s healthy cells are replaced by scar tissue. Often ...
The new liver may be taken from a brain-dead person (cadaver) or given by a living relative. The life expectancy post the LT depends on many variables. These include the initial reason for the transplant, age, co-morbidities, and response to the drugs the person is put on post-...
A long tube with a camera on the end is passed down your throat and into your stomach and abdomen. ERCP may also be used to open ducts blocked by pancreatic duct stones.How is pancreatitis treated?Treatment depends on the cause of your pancreatitis. You may need to stay in the hospital ...