9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook GAY Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia AcronymDefinition GAYGreen And Yellow GAYGood As You(British) GAYGorgeous and Young GAYGreat American Youth(web documentary series) ...
AcronymDefinition LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender LGBT Lettuce, Guacamole, Bacon, Tomato (sandwich) LGBT Liberty, Guns, Beer, Trucks LGBT Lesbiennes Gais Bi Trans (French: Lesbians, Gays, Bi, Trans) LGBT Lesbiene Gay Bisexuali Transsexuali (Italian: Lesbien, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual)...
LGBTQ is a short form or acronym that means: LGBTQ 是下面几个单词的缩写。 “L”esbian 女同性恋 “G”ay 男同性恋 “B”isexual 双性恋 “T”ransgender, 跨性别者 “Q”ueer or “Q”uestioning 非异性恋或不认同出生性别的人 People often use LGBTQ to mean all of the communities included i...
LGBTQ:An acronym that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, with the “Q” often meaning either “queer” or “questioning.” Intersex:This is “an umbrella term” describing people born with reproductive or sexual anatomy and/or a chromosome pattern that can't be classified as...
Many readers interpret “game for anything” as a suggestion to be truly willing to do anything their partner desires, but Savage has been keen to remind readers of the “within reason” part of the acronym’s meaning, particularly when it comes to vomit, extreme BDSM, emotional or humiliatin...
In the past, the Q in LGBTQ sometimes stood for "questioning," which refers to people who are unsure of their sexual preferences or gender identity. These days, the Q in LGBTQ is largely accepted to mean "queer." However, one of the Qs in the incredibly-lengthyLGBTTQQIAAPacronym stands ...
If you're wondering what does LGBTQIA stand for, here's our guide to the LGBTQ meaning and all LGBT terms explained.
LGBTQIA is an acronym that represents the diverse and inclusive spectrum of gender and sexual identities. In conversations, texting, and social media posts, members of the LGBTQIA community and their allies use these terms to discuss, share, and celebrate their identities. Here are a few examples...
Time’s up Gloves off You won’t like hearing it, but GAY = #GoodAsYou & opposing #SSM is bigoted #LGBTI #EqualMarriage @rainbowreporter, August 16, 2015 Well, Good As You … G-A-Y … get it? But our name is more than just a convenient acronym, it is the message that influen...
LGBTTQQIAAP refers to the community of people that identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, or Pansexual. It is a more inclusive version ofLGBTQIAand the popularLGBTandLGBTQacronyms. ...