A legal hold, also known as a litigation hold, is the process organizations use to inform relevant parties (custodians) that they must preserve their data for anticipated litigation. The duty to preserve evidence can be court-ordered or self-initiated for internal investigations, breach of contract...
WHATISALEGALHOLD? LegalHoldDefined Alegalholdisanaffirmativeactbyanorganization topreventthedestructionofdocuments,including physicaldocumentsonpaperaswellaselectronically storedinformation(commonlyreferredtoasESI),which arerelevanttoalawsuitorgovernmentalinvestigation. ...
What is a legal hold? Read this blog post to understand what exactly a legal hold is -- and what you need to do if you receive one.
A litigation hold -- also known aslegal hold,preservation orderorhold order-- is an internal process that an organization undergoes to preserve all data that might relate to a legal action involving the organization. A litigation hold temporary suspends the normalretention policiesapplicable to data ...
A legal hold, or litigation hold, is a formal notice to preserve documentation that may be needed for a legal case or investigation. This takes place during eDiscovery, the phase in a lawsuit where legal counsel gather electronic information as potential evidence. ...
What is a legal hold? Here’s everything you need to know about legal hold best practices and the management software.
The ABCs of Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) In the familial tree ofbusiness process outsourcing(BPO), legal process outsourcing is a robust branch, extending its reach to the intricate world of law. It's not just about sending work out; it's about sending work to the right hands—hands sk...
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What Is a Trust? A trust is a legal entity with separate and distinct rights, similar to a person or corporation. In a trust, a party known as a trustor gives another party, a trustee, the right to hold title to and manage property or assets for the benefit of a third party, the ...
What Is The Role Of Registers In Computers? In computing, registers are small, fast storage locations within a processor that temporarily hold data or instructions during processing. What Is A Register In Legal Contexts? In legal contexts, a register is a formal record maintained by an official...