my husband got 20 years ago a hard bump on the leg never change color is painful same time but if hi dont tuchy it is ok i justwhant to know what is ? :-D Remove Ads helene3479 over a year ago One of my boyfriends had a soft lump in his thigh. It developed and have nev...
Swallowing semen can increase you risk of contracting STIs and be bad for you if you have what's known as Hypersensitivity to Human Semen (HSS).
My Dad is 73 and has four aneurysms. It started with a AAA. (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm). Two years later, he got two aneurysms in his left leg, and one aneurysm in the right leg. He was just operated on for the two in the left leg. The one in the right leg is tiny so it doe...
@burcidi-- I think it's basically taken care of by inflammation. Inflammation is the first response to a wound. It's what you call the redness and swelling you see with a wound. In the case of a bug bite, there is probably foreign matter-- poison or bacteria that has entered the ...
It is normal for postpartum women to have swelling, especially in their legs and feet. It is usually your body’s way of getting rid of some of the excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy. Swelling may take up to two weeks to resolve. Call your doctor if one leg is much more swollen...
@irontoenail - If you've noticed some ankle and foot swelling and it's not too drastic, I would just try laying off the salt and drinking a bunch of water for a few days and see if that helps. If there are other symptoms, of course you shouldn't ignore it, but sometimes it reall...
You’ve had swelling in your legs before Limited ability to move around Osteoarthritis(when cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down) Varicose veins If you have problems with yourarteries, such as plaque buildup (atherosclerosis), you may get arterial ulcers. Typically, you get these on...
For example, if you have a strain of your lower leg muscle, lie down and prop your leg up on pillows. This helps decrease pain and swelling. 3 to 21 days after your injury: Start to slowly and regularly exercise your strained muscle. This will help it heal. If you feel pain, ...
A leg fracture is a break in a bone in your leg.What are the signs and symptoms of a leg fracture?Pain that worsens when you stand on or move your leg Trouble moving your leg Leg position or shape that is not normal Swelling or bruising Weakness or loss of feeling in your legHow ...
Patrick is a 70-year-old diabetic man with a 2-year history of stable chest pain when he exerts himself. He is awoken from sleep with the acute onset of crushing central chest pain which radiates to his neck and left arm. His normal medications include normally aspirin, a diuretic, a ch...