Yet how to understand neoliberalism as a specifically political thing, especially in the unlikely terrains of Western European and leftist politics, is unclear. This article mobilizes field theory to conceptualize and investigate neoliberal politics in Western democracies, treating the left-right axis as...
In proportion as the bourgeoisie, i.e., capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed -- a class of laborers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capital. These laborers...
A similar result seems certain in the case of an attempt to create a traditionalism that is a subordinate part of a fundamentally leftist or libertarian order. Leftism and libertarianism emphasize equality and satisfaction of individual goals within an orderly framework that facilitates such things. H...
Democrat Communists and Islamism. Democrat Communists also aligned with Islamists as their Hard Left Tool. Still Time To Get It Right.“Once you understand the role of energy in everything, you can begin to appreciate why there's simply nothing more important to get right. Energy is at the...
Of course, “politics” is just a label for something that is really even more fundamental, which includes religion and psychology and sociology and basic human attitudes that vary in a much vaster space than most of us are used to acknowledging. You have to get serious about whose values. ...
Christianity is at the center of our culture, but is not the totality of it. People who make some unmediated version of Christianity the totality of their view of culture and politics become a danger to their society. (I made a similar point in 2003 andre-linkedit in 2005.) ...
There are some glaring inconsistencies in the modality of your question. First of all, there is no Global Right in the manner that there is a Global Left – in the manner in which it organizes itself and indulges in on-behalfism. You will find leftists fighting for Free Palestin...
Really Lovely I thoroughly enjoyed this doc about DS9 - my personal favorite of the Star Trek series. There are wonderful interviews with just about every major player from in front and behind the camera. It gave me some wonderful insights, and made me want to watch the whole series over ...
Ron Paul’s coalition is, like the Old Right, loose, populist, independent, traditionalist, and radical—the “realignment” in politics that was Colonel McCormick’s dream. In the end, however, Paul’s campaign was more libertarian than conservative, appealing more to Democratic and independent...
Politics South Africa What’s Left of the South African Left?By William Shoki This week on AIAC Talk, we’re debating whether the moment is right for South Africa’s left to form a new party. Watch it live on YouTube.Photo: Tony Carr, via Flickr CC.After its unbanning in 1990, the...