The chest radiograph showed an opacified left hemithorax ( fig. 2 ) with a mild mediastinal shift to the right. Diagnostic pleurocentesis was attempted but was dry. What is your diagnosis? Case Reportdoi:10.1111/j.1748-5827.1999.tb03005.xBernasconi,Irusen...
The basic lesion produced by staphylococci is: a) abscess. b) ulcer. c) varicose veins. d) Impetigo. e) none of the above. A patient developed a malignant skin tumor on the dorsum of his left foot and was found days later to have met...
It is a slightly intrusive surgical procedure on a joint in which an investigation and sometimes action of damage are executed with the help of an arthroscope. It is a type of endoscope that is introduced into the joint via a small incision....
The cysts usually appear as a soft-tissue density rounded structures, sometimes with compression of surrounding structures which can lead to air-trapping and a hyperlucent hemithorax. The cysts can contain calcium oxalate, and dependent layering of calcific density material can be seen on some ...
in the lung periphery. Bullectomy has been a standard approach for many years. The bullae in patients with emphysema generally range in size from 1-4 cm in diameter; however, some bullae (giant bullae) can occupy more than 33% of the hemithorax. The hemithorax is one side of the chest...
What is the difference between dextrocardia and Dextroversion? Dextrocardia is a condition where the heart is located in right hemithorax with its apex pointing to right and in dextroversion the heart is positioned in thechestwith the apex still directed to the left. ...
Planar imaging did not reveal any relevant additional findings and for this purpose can be omitted when SPECT/CT is performed. Limitations The retrospective comparison between whole-body planar imaging and hemi-body SPECT/CT imaging is not only a comparison of field of view but also of ...
The chest radiograph (Figures 1-3) showed opacification of the right hemithorax, with aeration of the right upper and anterior right lower lung, and a slight mediastinal shift to the left. At this time, the patient was directly admitted. On physical examination at admission, his temper...
With their powerful jaws working non-stop day and night, female carpenter bees will chew a perfectly round entrance hole that is about one half-inch in diameter. After tunneling in about one body-length, the tunnel turns sharply to the left or right at a 90º angle to follow the timber...
The mesentery is a length of connected organ tissue that keeps the intestines anchored and stable, giving a clue as to the location of this artery. The inferior mesenteric artery branches off of the lowest segment of the aorta and runs downwards towards the pelvis....