Layer 1 is the first layer of the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) Model. Layer 1 consists of the various networking hardware and transmission technologies being employed by networks. Advertisements This layer is the first and serves as the foundation, the fundamental layer underneath the logical dat...
What is an SVI in Networking? SVI stands for Switched Virtual Interface, and it is a logical interface configured on a layer 3 switch that connects a VLAN to the routing engine of the switch. SVI allows traffic to be routed between VLANs by providing a default gateway for each VLAN. SVI...
In this article, we will talk about the much-asked query of what is layer 2 network is and how its works in a typical network. We will also briefly touch on the basic concepts regarding this topic. The data link layer of the OSI model is sometimes called the MAC layer. It's ...
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) provides a protocol suite developed by IEEE 802.1 to enable deterministic minimum delay on the non-deterministic Ethernet. TSN provides a set of universal time-sensitive mechanisms for the data link layer of the Ethernet protocols. It also guarantees real-time, determ...
Discover the functions of hubs in computer networks. Learn what a hub is, its role in data transmission, and how it differs from other networking devices.
Packet encapsulation is performed at Layer 2 and Layer 3. Data packets need to be encapsulated based on the source and destination, resulting in extra overheads. Packet control Hardware-oriented Software-oriented Deployment time Rollout of new services involves a large number of configurations, which...
Speed.The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol is known for its speed. In many cases, using L2TP is as fast as non-encrypted connections. Disadvantages of L2TP Problems with firewalls.L2TP operates on port 500, which can lead to issues when traversing firewalls and NAT gateways. In most cases, an L2T...
Centralized control:In a vRAN deployment, the real-time lower-layer RAN processing takes place on the distributed unit (DU), with higher-layer functions on the central unit (CU), each with different latency requirements. It is possible to consolidate DU processing in a hub up to 20 km from...
4 key advantages of Software-Defined Networking (SDN): Centralized control, vendor neutral, open APIs, better network efficiency & agility.
Fabric gateway enables OneLake shortcuts to on-premises data Connect to on-premises data sources with a Fabric on-premises data gateway on a machine in your environment, with networking visibility of your S3 compatible or Google Cloud Storage data source. Then, you create your shortcut and sele...