aSecondly,education is another landmark event.I can still remember the days when i was walking with my parents passing by a school with any sports facilities.Students can only through what teacher wrote on the blackboard.As everyone knows,chalks are the main factor of teachers' lung disease....
The article looks at the implications of the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling concerning the right to same-sex marriage on colleges and universities in the U.S. It suggests that Christian colleges are the one group of institutions where the ruling may have a significant impact. Topics include ...
In 2011 they released a landmark study titled "Academically Adrift," which documented the lack of intellectual growth experienced by many people enrolled in college. In particular, Arum and Roksa found, college students were not developing the critical thinking, analytic reasoning and other higher-...
Special education in the United States is governed by the landmarkIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act, sometimes called IDEA. The law states that children with cognitive, physical, emotional and medical conditions are entitled to special services, supports, technologies and individualized planning ...
High school students in the U.S. have long been at the forefront of social change through activism. Student protests have helped lead to landmark Supreme Court rulings on matters of racial equality and free speech rights within schools. ...
Authentication is the process that an individual, application, or service goes through to prove their identity before gaining access to digital systems.
The new EU Artificial Intelligence Act adopted by the European Parliament is a landmark development in the fast-moving landscape of artificial intelligence. In-house counsel need to help their organizations comply. In a context where governments compete to foster AI innovation and regulate its use,...
单选题Across the board, American colleges and universities are not doing a very good job of preparing their students for the workplace or their post-graduation lives. This was made clear by the work of two sociologists, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa. In 2011 they released a landmark study ...
It is one of the world's leading banking and financial centers. Buckingham Palace, Guildhall, St. Paul's Cathedral and Big Ben are some of the city's landmarks. The Port of London lies along the banks of the River Thames. The Tower Bridge of London over the River Thames has also ...
A landmark Supreme Court ruling in 2021 effectively torpedoed the practice of exploiting student athletes for commercial purposes. The decision was based onantitrust laws. In a written opinion, Justice Brett Kavanaugh charged the NCAA with building "a massive money-raising enterprise on the backs ...