Rob: Many of those laws are no longer in existence – but freedom is still an issue around the world today. The BBC Freedom 2014 season looked at examples of modern-day slavery in the Thai fishing industry. There is forced labour, where people a...
As seen, Lord Hoffmann is of the view that the reasoning lawyers embark upon to interpret and ascertain the meaning of words, including legal terms, does not, substantially, differ from everyday (i.e. common) reasoning. Also as mentioned, this view is both theoretically compelling and practica...
Consistency is the silent virtue, the boring materiality of the fictive, the almost-imperceptible webbing on which the narrative’s more dazzling features are hung. But its quietly connective tissue has a cumulative effect, building out worlds that hold together, extending a sense of space and tim...
Globalisation is still the driving force behind most economic activity, which is now dominated equally by the US and China. This has created a level of geopolitical stability, although this balance is continually being tested, especially in the digital sphere, where a handful of large firms domina...
My great grandparent had “children” very young – the stories are interesting and I thank God every day that the babies were not aborted or I would not be here. I used to be a “pro-choice” person but as I age, I now know the miracle of birth. Whatever the age, birth is a ...
Hope and love are popular themes of literature and art in many human societies. The human physiology of love and hope is less well understood. This review presents evidence that the lack of love and/or hope delays growth disturbs development and maturati
Scottish Labour Thinks Cishet Animals Are More Equal than Others Jan10 Elaine Smith MSP Whilst bigotry exists in every country, Scotland in recent years, while by no means immune from hate, has been a shining example of LGBTQ tolerance and acceptance. ...
Internationally, I’m loving the library publicity around “Ireland Reads Day” and finding similarities in Australia and News Zealand to what is happening here. But then there is the USA. Dear God, the USA. Makes me glad to be British. Changes by local authority Enfield –£500k cut, 7...
and is the only source of atmospheric warming for half the day. The oceans can do this because they have 1,000 time greater thermal capacity than the thin atmosphere above. They are greater in both mass and specific heat. I leave that simple maths to you to check. Any smart speaker will...
As always, this is a labour of love, but it aligns with an important message I share all the time– it is time to pay attention to the information that matters, and what is going on in our world matters. The shiny stuff (political scandals, celebrity nonsense, and...