Spoon nails, also known as “koilonychia,” refer to nails with a concave appearance that can be either horizontal or vertical. These nails are brittle and thin in either the fingernails or toenails and can be seen in all age groups. This condition can be hereditary, congenital, acquired, ...
Nails can take on an unusual or unnatural shape. One such shape deformation is known as“spoon nails” (koilonychia)– the nail plate softens and becomes concave, taking on a scooped-out appearance (i.e. forming a depression). The‘scoop’may be big enoug...
Always check the side effects of any medicine you're taking. My nails have changed shape, what does it mean? • Spoon-shaped nails that curve inwards (koilonychia) can be a sign of iron-deficiency anaemia • Small dents or pits in your nails can be a sign of nail psoriasis, ...
http://www.free-makeup-tips.com/bodycare/koilonychia.htm http://www.nailsmag.com/feature.aspx?fid=159&ft=1 www.umm.edu/ency/article/003247.htm http://www.aafp.org/afp/2004/0315/p1417.html Michele is an R.N. freelance writer with a special interest in woman’s healthcare and qua...
When nail clubbing is seen in association with a heart defect, the clubbing sometimes improves when the problem is corrected surgically. Clubbing is mainly associated with abnormalities of heart structure present from birth, although it is also seen in bacterial infections of the heart. Nail clubbing...