1 cal20= 4.182 kJ The energy in kilojoulesE(kJ)is equal to 4.182 times the energy in 20°C kilocaloriesE(kcal20): E(kJ)= 4.182× E(kcal20) kcal to kJ conversion calculator ► See also How to convert kcal to calories kcal to calories conversion calculator ...
Heat is the energy transferred in a process due to a difference in temperature. Heat is usually expressed using specific units like Joules or calories. These units of measurement can be interconverted using specific conversion factors.Answer and Explanation: ...
How many calories does watermelon contain? Watermelon is a large, sweet fruit native to southern Africa. Although it is a favorite fruit, many people often wonder if eating watermelon makes them fat. The truth is that watermelon is high in water, nutrients, and very low in calories, makin...
Researchers have randomly assigned 811 overweight adults to low-calorie diets with differing percentages of energy derived from protein, carbohydrate, and fat; participants were followed up for 2 years. All groups experienced modest weight loss and improvements in cardiac and diabetes risk factors. Does...
What is the heat capacity of a gold ring that has a mass of7.00g? Specific heat: The specific heat of a substance is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the unit mass of the substance through a unit charge degree(1∘or1K). ...
The heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter is 1.80 kJ/^oC. What A calorimeter is used to measure the combustion of 5.00 grams of H2 gas under 62.0 grams of water. The energy measured using the water was 4,432 J. What is the heat lost or gained by the total reaction? A Cu ...
Light, another form of energy, has no mass. Therefore, no term exists for the specific energy of light. In discussing chemical energy, it is often more useful to be concerned with specific measurements on a molecular basis instead of a mass basis. A chemist may use joules per mole (J/mo...
The number of calories or kilojoules in a potato doughnut generally depends on the weight, filling, and topping just as it does with a wheat flour doughnut. A simple glazed doughnut is typically around 150 calories (628.02 kJ), while a filled, frosted doughnut is usually 240 (1004.83 kJ) ...
Recall that 4.184 J is required to heat 1 g of water Assume that the kinetic energy of a 1600 car moving at 125 is converted entirely into heat. How many calories of heat are released? A woman expends 94 kJ of ene...
Learn More:Sweating and Burning Calories: Is There a Link? Edited by Dana Ingemann Dana Ingemann Dana is an Associate Editorial Director at Health, leading the development and strategy of new evergreen content. Dana holds a Master's in Public Health and is a Certified Health Education Specialist...