KIRBYTreatment Research InstituteKIMBERLY C.Treatment Research InstituteARRIATreatment Research InstituteAMELIA M.Treatment Research InstituteJournal of Studies on Alcohol & DrugsKaynak Ö, Winters KC, Cacciola J, Kirby KC, Arria AM. Providing alcohol for underage youth: what messages should we be ...
It is recommended that parents discourage drinking until adolescents reach legal age.doi:10.15288/jsad.2014.75.590Kaynak, ?vgüWinters, CCacciola, JohnKirby, CArria, MJournal of Studies on Alcohol & DrugsKaynak Ö, Winters KC, Cacciola J, Kirby KC, Arria AM. Providing alcohol for underage ...
AMR;biofilm;mastitis;S. aureus;virulence factors 1. Introduction Mastitis can be caused by more than 200 aetiological factors, of which one of the more frequently mentioned isStaphylococcus aureus. This bacterium is classified as a contagious pathogen, which means that it spreads in the herd due ...