and give you sweet notes and they are just so stinking cute. I have a ton stories I could share about the time I spent with the kindergartners. I got really attached and it was hard to say goodbye when that job ended. The cool thing is Ezie, who is in 5th grade, got assigned ...
In the morning when my sister woke me at the crack of dawn to go with her to work instead of letting me sit in the backyard with the chickens, it was still the same. As soon as we were ensconced in one of the school libraries where Ellen worked, I took her car keys and went to...
If you’re kind, money will afford you the opportunity to be kinder. – T. Ecker Money is bad only if you are an asshole! Money is just a means to an end and is never good nor bad. If you are a poor asshole and suddenly become rich, you will simply become a rich asshole. O...
It is believed this is where the tradition of birthday candles started. Pagan religions also used candles, and believe the smoke warded off evil spirits. The smoke would carry your wishes up to the gods, hence the “make a wish”tradition when blowing out the candles. Photo by Zenia ...
aware of this we can put the phones down and connect on a personal level in real life. We have a far better chance at being kind to one another online if we are kinder and more connected in real life. And maybe, just maybe, I won’t feel so hopeless when I read the comments ...
Try to reframe it from something bad that has happened to an opportunity to get curious, understand it better, and practice new – kinder – habits. ● Pause and find somewhere you can be with it safely for some time (if this is impossible, promise yourself that you will do so as soon...
For most of history, we lived with a degree of reconciliation to the idea of ongoing woe and turmoil. With modernity was born the beautiful and fateful notion that this world could through the application of intelligence be rendered conclusively saner, more manageable and kinder. The origins of...
A Kinder, Gentler Chad Gadya By Rabbi Stephen Fuchs Then came the Holy and Eternal One Who blessed the Angel of Light Who smiled at the butcher That fed the ox That drank the water That quenched the fire That warmed the stick That was fetched by the dog That licked the cat That nuzzled...
Synthesized reinforcement is also the reason it is kind to provide another source of an appetitive when you are performing aversive husbandry activities. This is a lot kinder than just saying, “Hey, my dog can leave if he wants to.” If there is nothing else to do in the room and you...
You may be asked to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate to enroll. What Do Kids Learn in Kindergarten? Although the curriculum varies from district to district across the country, parents can count their kindergartners learning the alphabet, sight words, phonics, and basic sentenc...