What is the weight of a 1-kg substance in N, kN, kg m/s2 , kgf, lbm ft/s2 , and lbf? Let f(t)=\begin{Bmatrix} 3 & 0 \le t \le 2\ 5-t& t>2 \end{Bmatrix}. Then \mathcal{L}\begin{Bmatrix} f(t) \end{Bmatrix} is: (a) 3/s^2-e^{-2s}/s^2 (b) 3/s-...
Yash has been prepping himself very rigorously for the upcoming movie KGF Chapter 2 and always gives a memorable performance with his projects. The actor has been so serious about his shoots that he even trained at a stretch for six months, even for a ten minutes scen...
(ii) the lift is moving up with a uniform acceleration a, and (iii) the lift is moving down with a uniform acceleration a? View Solution A woman weighing 50 kgf stands on a weighing machine placed in lift. What will be the reading of the machine, when the lift is (i) moving upwa...
Chapter 17/ Lesson 15 8.9K Physics students should be comfortable applying rotational motion formulas. Review the definition of rotational motion and practice using the relevant formulas with the provided examples. Explore our homework questions and answers library ...
Timestamps Chapter 1: Ask, Seek, Knock (00:00-19:25) Chapter 2: James and the Sermon on the Mount (19:25-34:48) Chapter 3: Connecting My World to the Wisdom of Jesus 9 (34:48-54:24) Referenced Resources Check out Tim?s library here. You can experience our entire library of ...
Episode 2 Understanding the Law Part 1: The LAW In this episode, Tim and Jon go deeper into the themes introduced in our video, ?The Law.? What is the purpose of the Old Testament law, and what does it have to do with Christians today? The guys will talk about how the laws wer...
This protective effect has been attributed to the ability of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) to upregulate expression of components of the sodium transporting machinery, primarily the Na,K-ATPase, as well as its mitogenic properties on alveolar type II cells, since the alveolar epithelium is may ...
In the given problem, the top surface of both side of tube is open to atmosphere hence will have same pressure. Answer and Explanation: {eq}\text{From Pascal's law Hydrostatic pressure at a depth h in a liquid can be calculated as:}\...