Not sure why folk are so confused- kernel32.dll is a Windows file which you need and kernel32.exe (note the program suffix?) is a virus. The two are NOT the same. Recap: File ending in .dll is good and file ending in .exe is bad. Simple! MacBraveheart Why apper error mesage abo...
ERROR: Unable toload DLL dependency: KERNEL32.dll.GetFileSizeEx LoadingC:\private\xpcosc.dlm failed with error 127 Error: Could notload model C:\private\xpcosc: 127 When running the command "slrttest" the error might appear as: ThemeCopy...
"dll_loaded": [ "C:\\Windows\\system32\\IMM32.DLL", "COMCTL32.dll", "dwmapi.dll", "VERSION.dll", "gdi32.dll", "SHELL32.dll", "KERNEL32.DLL", "UxTheme.dll", "GDI32.dll", "ADVAPI32.dll", "ole32.dll", "SHLWAPI.dll", "Ws2_32.dll", "USER32.dll", "comctl32.dll" ...
kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk()ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart()</CallStack><PCallStack>Banishers-Win64-Shipping 0x00007ff6a2a90000 + 3d8af51 Banishers-Win64-Shipping 0x00007ff6a2a90000 + 3d8c52e Banishers-Win64-Shipping 0x00007ff6a2a90000 + 3d99bfc Banishers-Win64-Shipping ...
However, when I am up and running my counter there is a 90% change that sometime during the proceedings I get a message: "Javaw has caused an error in KERNEL32.DLL. Javaw will now close. OK." When I click OK (I have no other choice,anyway) in most of the cases nothing happens ...
{ "dll_loaded": [ "C:\\Windows\\syswow64\\MSCTF.dll", "RICHED20.DLL", "kernel32.dll", "UxTheme.dll", "OLEAUT32.DLL", "C:\\Windows\\system32\\ole32.dll", "dwmapi.dll", "comctl32", "C:\\Windows\\system32\\uxtheme.dll" ], "file_opened": [ "C:\\Windows\\win.ini", ...
dll [C#] Regex - Best Validation of Domain? [C#] Upload pictures with HttpClient - data not sending correctly [C#]conversion from time to double [Help] Get the target path of shortcut (.lnk) [IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position 0.] i find this error.. plz help ...
The versioning scheme of MSI in this version of windows is 4.0.windowsbuildnumber.windowsqfenumber. You'll note that normally most binaries in Windows (like kernel32.dll) will have a version of 6.0.5231.0 where 6.0 represents the major and minor versions of the OS. MSI follows it's previous...
awho is related to this festival 谁与这个节日有关 [translate] aChannel Biz 海峡企业 [translate] aFailed to get proc address for GetlogicalProcesserInformation(KERNEL32.dLL) 没得到proc地址为GetlogicalProcesserInformation( KERNEL32.dLL) [translate] aSeriously Yours 严肃你的 [translate] aThe manis ...
Because Kernel32.dll is guaranteed to be loaded in the process address space when the entry-point function is called, calling functions in Kernel32.dll does not result in the DLL being used before its initialization code has been executed. Therefore, the entry-point function can call ...