As soon as I try to run this docker-compose stack on a remote CI server the test hangs while creating the topic. The logs (see below) show that the .NET client is connecting to the correct internal servicekafka:19092within the docker-compose stack. There is ... security.protocol=SASL_SSL sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username="$ConnectionString" password="{YOUR.EVENTHUBS.CONNECTION.STRING}"; Va...
Azure Event Hubs provides an Apache Kafka endpoint on an event hub, which enables users to connect to the event hub using the Kafka protocol. You can often use an event hub's Kafka endpoint from your applications without any code changes. You modify only the configuration, that is, update ... security.protocol=SASL_SSL sasl.mechanism=OAUTHBEARER required; sasl.login.callback.handler.class=CustomAuthenticateCallbackHandler Note...
After some time ( couple hours ) , we run again the following , but without the errors about -Consumer group ‘deeg_data’ is rebalancing And we get the following correctly results /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --group deeg_data --describe --bo...
Client side validation not working in bootstrap modal on a partail vew Client Validation Error With Input Fields Containing Currency Values Code First: InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service Command "dotnet" is not valid. Comparing RabbitMQ, NServiceBus, MassTransit, Brighter, Kafka for...
It’s one of those projects that has both a server-side and client-side component, which is the bread and butter of full-stack development. Most of the front-end work will be done in React and TypeScript. React is what got me excited to dive more deeply into front-end work in the ...
Learning courses on Tableau, automation, Kafka, Java, etc. could help you master this profession like a pro. Proficiency in Programming The job profile of a data engineer as the name suggests is a combination of data analysis and engineering. It is like the best of both worlds (analytical ...
Chef server install on Ubuntu 14.04 Chef workstation setup on EC2 Ubuntu 14.04 Chef Client Node - Knife Bootstrapping a node on EC2 ubuntu 14.04 Three Components"Chef is a configuration management tool written in Ruby and Erlang. It uses a pure-Ruby, domain-specific language (DSL) for ...
Ansible uses Facts, which is system and environment information it gathers (context) before running tasks to check state and see if it needs to change anything in order to get the desired outcome. This makes it safe to run Ansible tasks against a server over and over again. ...