In Kabbalah, the mystical tradition of Judaism, Abundance is deeply intertwined with the concept of "Shefa," a Hebrew word that translates roughly to divine flow or bounty. This idea posits that an unlimited flow of spiritual and material blessings descends from the Ein Sof (Infinite Divine Sou...
White cell count is used as a reliable indication ofcancer. Ascancerprogresses, white cell count increases. The higher a person’s white cell count, the closer he is to death. So let’s build a “cancerclock” based on white blood count, and let’s use it to evaluate anti-cancerinterve...
As a matter of fact, almost all known cultures related numbers with their beliefs. Does Kabbalah ring a bell? One thing that is in common for all of these religious teachings is that they all try toexplain the universe we live inand to find answers to the problems that troubled humankind ...