If you’re on the receiving end of a freeze, you can break it by: Calling for Jungle Assistance: Your jungler can help push the wave and break the freeze. For example, if you’re playing as Yasuo and getting frozen out, ask your jungler for help to push the wave. ...
Prevent counter gank:Prepare wards in the river or enemy jungle to guarantee that your dive won’t turn into a 2v2 under the turret. Executing the Tower Dive Now that you have prepared what’s left is the sweet execution of your enemy. Be patient and move as close to him as possible ...
You’ll have seen Yordles running around inLeague of Legendsfor as long as you’ve been playing, whether it’s been months or more than a decade. Or maybe you’ve just heard the race mentioned inArcaneon Netfix. Either way, they’re very cute and among the most loved characters in Run...
So, the act of last-hitting and executing lane minions inLeagueis called CSing. While CSing refers to the act of killing the lane minions, CS typically refers to the amount of already executed minions that have given you gold and experience. The general term used to refer to the act of...
In League of Legends, the meta might favor certain champions in each role (top, jungle, mid, ADC, support) based on recent balance changes. For instance, if a particular champion receives buffs, they may become a popular pick in the meta. Additionally, the meta can influence the choice of...
It redoubled its efforts to provide support for mid lane and use bottom lane control to find pathways into the enemy jungle.Fnatic support Jesse "Jesiz" Le at the 2017 League of Legends World Championship. Provided by Riot Games In its first game against Young Generation however, Fnatic ...
Jinx is a marksman with a happy-go-shooty playstyle and an arsenal of guns and gadgets. She doesn’t even think once about blowing stuff up. As a support, Blitzcrank is always ready to lend a helping hand—quite literally. By yanking enemy targets into the fray, he starts fights whethe...
The currentLeaguemeta dictates that all teams must roll out with a tank or a melee heavy-hitter at the top lane, a Champion proficient in spell-casting at the middle lane, a support and a Champion designated to carry the team late-game partnered at the bottom lane, and a Jungle Champion...
We executed a perfect gank in the enemy's jungle, catching them completely off guard. 10 Gang Act as an organized group. 7 Gank A tactical decision to ambush an opponent with superior numbers in a video game. If we gank their carry now, we will have a chance to push their base. 6 ...
The Jungle You probably noticed that there's a lot of room between the lanes. This is called the jungle, and heroes that hang out in here are called junglers. The jungle is filled with monster camps that generate monsters every few minutes -- and it's a jungler's job to kill those ...