Visit Your Local Jiffy Lube for Any TPMS Light NeedsWith summer comes lots of travel, so now is the perfect time to check your tire pressure and ideally, check the pressure regularly, at least once a month. After all, the tire pressure light may not come on until a 25% drop in ...
If content marketers understand what makes their audiences tick – that is – if they know what they care about, what they’re interested in, and what information they want, the marketer will be more likely to craft wildly successful campaigns than someone who simply got lucky. A...
The standard penalty for non-compliance with the TCPA is $500 per violation. However, if a violation is found to be willful or intentional, the penalty can increase to $1,500 per violation. Companies like DirecTV, Dell, Jiffy Lube, and the Huffington Post have faced multi-million-doll...
This is a common argument I have seen countless versions of, in fact I have seen it taken to down right attacks on one’s claim to be a libertarian. It will often take the form of something such as, “well you claim to be a libertarian and think everything the go...