Because hypocrisy had been added to all other sins; [793] because there had not been proper repentance; [794] because of the half-heartedness of the Jewish proselytes; because of improper marriages, and other evil customs; [795] and because of the gross dissoluteness of certain cities. [...
Gill also provides some excellent insights into how these words fit with Jesus' earlier teachings and how various Jewish teachers and even people outside the Judeo Christian tradition have respected the Golden Rule: "These words are the epilogue, or conclusion of our Lord's discourse; the sum ...
V. T.J. (22) To live to the time of the restoration of the Jewish kingdom and to see the Jewish kings. (23) To Palestine. (24) Apparently this means, having read the Shema' after the manner of the watikin. V. Tosaf. ad loc. (25) V. supra, 4b. (26) Ps. LI, 17. (...
5 The whole group liked the idea, so they chose these seven men: Stephen (a man with great faith and full of the Holy Spirit), Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas (a man from Antioch who had become a follower of the Jewish religion). ...