Generative artificial intelligence translation (GenAIT) brings convenience yet also imposes severe challenges on the dissemination of knowledge. The respective (dis)advantages of GenAIT and human translation (HT), and the ways to promote their effective
This is calculated for you if you check the option box when processing the static trial. ASIS-Trochanter distance: The perpendicular distance from the trochanter to the ASIS point. If this value is not entered, then a regression formula is used to calculate the hip joint center. If this ...
Secondly – only wear this shoe style with more formal shorts(Bermuda/Chino shorts). Wearing them with cargo shorts or cut-offjean shortswon't look right. It's the summer equivalent of wearing suede Derby shoes with cargo pants. Finally – pay attention to the width of your Derby shoe's ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 3. Juvenile sea lamprey captured by year. Black line = predicted fit of segmented regression. Larval sea lamprey complete metamorphosis by October-November, followed by downstream dispersal to the lakes to begin feeding as juveniles. Dispersal is correlate...
Symmetrical Axis of Rotation Approach (SARA) is an optimization algorithm that uses function calibration frames between a Parent and Child segment to estimate the Axis of Rotation. The Parent and Child segments are expected to be rigid, these can either use Rigid Cluster or Skin Based Markers +...
The discordance that can exist between these two forms of measurement is known as subjective-objective sleep discrepancy, or more simply, sleep discrepancy. Sleep discrepancy is a common feature of insomnia disorder. Individuals with insomnia tend to underestimate total sleep time (TST), and ...
For example, if you wanted to move your left hand to the left side of your body to pick up an object, you would be forced to simultaneously also move your right hand to the left side. It is unlikely that you would consider this Correspondence to: Dr Ronald G. Boothe, Division of ...
The copy-editor. This is a person whose thankless job is to read the manuscript one…word…at…a…time find typos or errors in grammar, punctuation, or continuity (one heck of a job, considering the size not only of the individual books, but of the overall series), and ...
”“Whoarethose people who clean their houses when they’re anxious?” these posts often begin, “And how doIget to be one of them??” People identify and laugh along with these posts. “Oh, I’d give ANYTHING to be one of those people!”“Amen!”“All that I do is eat an ...
Full size image Albumin has well-known effects on maintaining fluid balance, being responsible for 75 to 80% of COP in the basal physiological state [9, 10]. In critically ill patients, particularly those with sepsis, the relationship between COP and the albumin concentration is complex, being...