A void is an inbuilt function that returns undefined, just like an undefined function in JavaScript. However, it is totally different from the undefined function. We might need this function when we don’t want anchor text to navigate us to a page. This function disables the basic functionalit...
JavaScript void is often used when, inserting an expression into a web page may produce an unwanted side-effect.By using JavaScript:Void(0), you can eliminate the unwanted side-effect, because it will return the undefined primative value....
In English, void means nothing. In a programming language, void means return nothing. “javascript: void(0)” is similar to void. javascript: void(0) means return undefined as a primitive value. We use this to prevent any negative effects on a webpage when we insert some expression. For ...
A common usage of JavaScript:Void(0) is with hyperlinks. Usually, when the user clicks a link on a page a new page loads, but this is not always the desired course of action.
login 我已经看过很多次这样的href,但我不知道这意味着什么。 Thevoidoperator evaluates the given expression and then returnsundefined. Thevoidoperator is often used merely to obtain theundefinedprimitive value, usually using “void(0)” (which is equivalent to “void 0”). In these cases, the gl...
What is javascript:void(0)? While surfing the web, you might come across many links and buttons. In most cases, clicking on these links will take you to a certain page within the website. It might also redirect you to another pa ... ...
Error code 1008500011 is reported when I send a file from my phone app to my wearable app More: Submit a ticket online if you cannot find the answer to your question Application Quality Technical Quality O&M How do I flush HiLog information? How do I print HiLog information of...
0 or 255 is reported by the HR sensor Result code 206 is displayed when the phone is communicating with the lite wearable device Error code 1008500011 is reported when I send a file from my phone app to my wearable app More: Submit a ticket online if you cannot find the answer to...
Fixed embedded TTS re-initializing for every speak request when the voice is specified by a short name. Fixed the API reference documentation for the max duration of RecognizeOnce audio. Fixed error handling arbitrary sampling rates in JavaScript Thanks to rseanhall for this contribution. Fixed ...
void printnumber(){ cout << "The number is:" << num; }};int main(){ // Declare an object of class Test Test object1; // accessing data member object1.num = 1000; // accessing member function object1.printnumber(); return 0;} The output of this program is: The number is:1000...