The article helps you to understand what is Java, history pf Java, what is Java used for along with its features and concepts. So, click here to read more about Java
Back-end development is the process of creating and maintaining the server-side components of a web application. In this blog, know What is Backend Development?
A socket server is established using Java Non-blocking I/O (NIO). When the client is shut down unexpectedly rather than sending a specified notification to instruct the s
JavaScript, Go: Added public property id Speech_SegmentationMaximumTimeMs determine the end of a spoken phrase based on time in Java, Python, C#, C++ Bug fixes Fixed embedded TTS voice (re)loaded for every synthesis if the voice name is not set. Fixed offset calculation problems when using ...
November 2023 Microsoft Fabric Runtime 1.2 The Microsoft Fabric Runtime 1.2 is a significant advancement in our data processing capabilities. Microsoft Fabric Runtime 1.2 includes Apache Spark 3.4.1, Mariner 2.0 as the operating system, Java 11, Scala 2.12.17, Python 3.10, Delta Lake 2.4, and...
Oracle’s JavaServer Faces (JSF) that provides backend developers with frontend frameworks Quarkus: A full-stack Java framework Quarkus is a Kubernetes-native Java stack made for Java virtual machines (JVMs) and native compilation. It optimizes Java specifically for Kubernetes so it becomes an eff...
What is Java Spring Boot? What is Spring Boot in Java? What's the difference between Spring and Spring Boot? Is Spring Boot a backend system? What are the benefits of Spring Boot? Where can I find Spring Boot tutorials for beginners?
Python:Known for its clarity and efficiency, Python is the most used language for back-end web development, with frameworks likeDjangoand Flask supporting fast development. Java:Anobject-oriented languageused for large-scale applications, Java is valued for its high performance and reliability across...
Java. However, full-stack applications are now being written in JavaScript using comprehensive stacks of cloud native technologies that handle database storage, retrieval, application servers, the web user experience, and more. A prime example of this type of development platform is the MERN stack....
Basic concepts of serverless architectures and forms of serverless architectures: function as a service (FaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and backend as a service (BaaS) A high-level programming language, such as Python, Node.js, Java, Go, and .NetCore, as well as basic concepts suc...