Isthatafriendofyours? 梅萨·加·加·宾克斯 MesaJarJarBinks. 哦声音真好听 Ooh.That'sanicevoice. 你不觉得这个声音很烦人吗? Youdon'tfindthisvoiceannoying? 我觉得这很有趣真的柯林 Ithinkit'sveryfunny,indeed,Colin. 我的叔叔弗维奥 MyUncleFulvio ...
There is a kernel of an interesting idea inPhantom Menace, in the story of a monstrous politician manipulating crises to consolidate power and destroy democracy. It’s just too bad that kernel is buried at the bottom of a bucket of stale popcorn, full of trade disputes, Jar Jar Binks pratf...
There is a kernel of an interesting idea inPhantom Menace, in the story of a monstrous politician manipulating crises to consolidate power and destroy democracy. It’s just too bad that kernel is buried at the bottom of a bucket of stale popcorn, full of trade disputes, Jar Jar Binks pratf...
Jar Jar Binks: Another revisit. Not funny. Get over yourself. I haven't changed my opinion. I literally needed to say this again. Pick Gonk, Boss Nass, Carbonite Han, or anyone else, for god's sake. LEGO/Warner Bros. Games *Yawns* Holiday Gonk: Now THIS is comedy. (Also, adorabl...
Canon isn't really what we want it to be. Canon is what happened in that franchise's official universe. lmao. As much as I dislike the prequels to Star Wars, that was all canon. Jar Jar Binks is real.. Unfortunately. But yeah, I agree with the "arguing over thin air" comment. ...
Much more laughter, even though my 8-year-old loves JarJar Binks and laughed a lot when he was on screen. But in this movie you see the big disconnect between the prequels and the story’s “continuation.” The questions came fast in this viewing: As the first stormtroopers enter the...
There is a kernel of an interesting idea inPhantom Menace, in the story of a monstrous politician manipulating crises to consolidate power and destroy democracy. It’s just too bad that kernel is buried at the bottom of a bucket of stale popcorn, full of trade disputes, Jar Jar Binks pratf...
Those who prefer brick-built display characters are also in for a treat with the set of six collectible LEGO BrickHeadz™ figures featuring the characters of Jar Jar Binks, Anakin Skywalker, Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul....
Where was the Hugh Grant win for doing a Jar Jar Binks impression in Heretic? Where was the fun? Yes, it’s been traded for vague respectability and winners that will likely be replicated at the Oscars (expect at least a nod for Torres in the best actress category, and for Emilia ...
We left out a few just for you. So now it’s your turn! What types of bullion would characters likeChewbacca, Jaba the Hutt, and Jar-Jar Binksstack? Can you think of any other characters that would make great stackers? Tell us in the comments below!