Number of 3rd party libraries with vulnerabilities found were upgraded: Jackson-Databind, etc. (COLLAB-10048, COLLAB-10070, COLLAB-9939) Bug Fixes: Admin cannot uncancel cancelled review (COLLAB-10234) Review stuck at loading and Unable to delete a review due to duplicated entities in UserVersion...
Increases security by upgrading jackson-databind to version 2.15.3, addressing a known vulnerability, and updating ehcache from 2.10.6 to 3.10.8 to remove vulnerabilities. PLAT-9635 Enables more efficient debugging of YBM issues by logging failed JSON request bodies and task parameters based on run...
in Spring boot 2.4, configuration properties processing had changed in incompatible ways and to fix it, the use ofspring.config.use-legacy-processing=truewas suggested. So make sure this property is not in your code.
Increases security by upgrading jackson-databind to version 2.15.3, addressing a known vulnerability, and updating ehcache from 2.10.6 to 3.10.8 to remove vulnerabilities. PLAT-9635 Ensures YBA-installer works with any umask, addressing non-deterministic behavior and offering precise control over direc...
SB0014507: Security Bulletin: IBM Watson Discovery Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data affected by vulnerability in FasterXML jackson-databind SB0014509: Security Bulletin: IBM Watson Discovery Cartridge for IBM Cloud Pak for Data affected by vulnerability in Python SB0014510: Security Bulletin: IBM ...
jackson-databind-n.n.n.jar CBPR+ Translation: Updated translation frameworks to support CBPR+ Translation guide version 1.5.2 New CBPR+ Translation scenarios pacs.002.001.10 -> MT199/MT299 camt.054.001.08 -> MT942 camt.058.001.08 -> MT292 ...
duplicates. Other times, in cases where a large number of CVE IDs were assigned for the same type of flaw (e.g. Jackson Databind deserialization flaw, ZIP Slip vulnerability, etc.), Sonatype may decide to group all of these CVEs under one Sonatype ID, to reduce noise and duplicate ...
When executing such code: Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize value of typejava.util.LinkedHashMap<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object>from Array value (tokenJsonToken.START_ARRAY) at [Source: (ByteArrayInputStream); line: 1, column: 1] ...
The recently disclosed FasterXML jackson-databind vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-42004,CVE-2022-42003) and Oracle MySQL vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-21417,CVE-2022-21444) have been addressed in this release. April Build Number: 5220 (Release on: April 24, 2023) Introducing out-of-box integration with Zoh...
<dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId> </dependency> Add the dependency tospring-boot-startup-report: <dependency> <groupId>com.maciejwalkowiak.spring</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-startup-report</artifactId> <version>0.2.0</ve...