Girl, Interruptedis a 1999 psychological drama directed by Academy Award nominee James Mangold. Starring the brilliant Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie, who was the winner of multiple awards for her spectacular performance,Girl, Interruptedtackles exactly what it's like to have anxiety. The film foll...
Rafi Letzter
A mental health professional will also need to rule out other similar disorders. They will want to make sure that you don't have OCD instead. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to tell OCD and OCPD apart. This may make you feel hesitant to seek help or a diagnosis if you suspect that ...
Scrupulosity (religious) OCD Sexual orientation OCD Suicidal OCD It’s important to note, however, that the precise content of someone’s OCD obsessions is almost irrelevant to the mental illness. OCD is about the process of intrusive thoughts and behavior, not the nature of the worries. Someo...
you left the stove on and the house will burn down. There are also obsessions about the need to have things in a particular order or placed in an exact way, often involving symmetry. It is important to note that these obsessions are either not based on or proportional to real-life ...
One of the things I have to deal with the most is harm OCD, and it's really challenging. When I step into the shower and see the razor blade, it will automatically trigger [an image of] me, like, mutilating my genitalia. If I react to those images, they just get worse. It's...
Keep communications clear and simple: People with OCD will have a habit of constantly seeking reassurance from others over the actions they perform. In cases like this, it is best to keep the exchange of words minimal and to the point to reduce the chance of the OCD triggering. Create a...
I have to check this thing and make sure it’s ok or someone will die. If anyone knew my thoughts they’d throw me in jail. Do I have OCD?Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an incredibly complex mental health condition. OCD involves recurrent intrusive thoughts, which are unwanted ...
I have to check this thing and make sure it’s ok or someone will die. If anyone knew my thoughts they’d throw me in jail. Do I have OCD?Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is an incredibly complex mental health condition. OCD involves recurrent intrusive thoughts, which are unwanted ...
my attention focused on the person in front of me, my inbox swells, continually betraying me. For someone living with OCD, no one could have devised a more effective means of torture than the steadily refilling inbox. It gnaws at the joy and sense of privilege it is to be a primary ca...