is; for years many things about Bhutan have been intriguing me, from its pursuit of happiness – an unconventional way in measuring its progress as a nation – to the fact that it is the only country in the world that is carbon negative, which means it absorbs more carbon dioxide in the...
false; set => _isActive = value; } } Bidang backing di sini akan tetap nullada kecuali setter properti benar-benar dipanggil. Artinya, nilai bidang pencadangan adalah indikasi yang lebih baik tentang apakah properti telah ditetapkan atau tidak daripada default CLR properti. Ini berfungsi...
could mean when used as well as the other details mentioned above, the phrase “for god’s sake” clearly is more similar to the second meaning for the word “sake”. With this said, you shouldn’t necessarily think it means exactly the same thing because using the phrase with the word ...