You'll find the best answer over here: 6th Jan 2017, 2:21 PM Jonas Fallmann + 2 it returns a boolean value (TRUE or FALSE) based on the parameter given. This way you can check if (in example) a variable is actually set or not. 6th...
Faster Execution: The Execution time of PHP is more immediate while executing the web pages. Cross-Platform: PHP is a cross-platform language which means a PHP website can run on various Operating Systems. Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Popularity and Resources: There is a very vast community of...
you do not need to create a date variable. Just create a datetime field in the database that is automatically populated with a timestamp when the record is created. Also, it is not clear from your
Php - array_map and pass 2 arguments to the mapped, You can't use array_map to pass hard-coded values to a callback function (what is commonly referred to as currying or partially-applied functions in functional languages). What array_map takes is a variable amount of arrays, all...
if (!isset ($_POST['submit'])) { // If not, generate a blank one. return generate_reg_form (); } // Initialize variables for validation and error message. $validated = true; $error = ''; // Validate the name field; Checks that it is a string that consists of letters only. ...
Added with PHP 7, the coalesce operator (??) comes in handy when we need to use a ternary operator in conjunction with isset(). It returns the first operand if it exists and is not NULL. Otherwise, it returns the second operand. Here is an example:...
open/closed with a “more info” link. Hiding all the gory server data keeps things clean, simple, and focused on the IP address. Then if the user wants to know more, “click” – there it is. This chunk of JavaScript should be placed above theclosingtag in theindex.phpfile: function...
// PHP 7+ $x ?? $y; This is equivalent to: isset($x) ? $x : $y; ?: vs. ?? The table below shows a side-by-side comparison of the two operators against a given expression: Expressionecho ($x ?: 'hello')echo ($x ?? 'hello') $x = ""; 'hello' "...
This Laravel tutorial introduces the PHP Laravel Framework, explains what is Laravel, how to install it, MVC architecture and its components.
$insertGoTo = "Thankyou.php"; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) { $insertGoTo .= (strpos($insertGoTo, '?')) ? "&" : "?"; $insertGoTo .= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } header(sprintf("Location: %s", $insertGoTo)); } mysql_select_db($database_dbAttendance, $dbAttendance...