the timing of the Moonrise has special significance in the Islamic religion too. In Islam, especially during Ramadan and Eid, the Moonrise time is specially taken into account, and the fast is broken accordingly during the days of Ramadan. In the same vein, the Eid celebrations also take plac...
: Hamsa | fas fa-hamsa | amulet, christianity, islam, jewish, judaism, muslim, protection, | \f665 : Hand Holding | fas fa-hand-holding | carry, lift, | \f4bd : Hand Holding Heart | fas fa-hand-holding-heart | carry, charity, gift, lift, package, | \f4be : Hand Holding Medic...
but traditional and deeply rooted in their culture at the same time. Many women in Saudi Arabia cover up to protect their modesty — which has more to do with their culture/tradition than religion. This is a custom that predates Islam!