An Importer Security Filing (ISF), commonly known as a “10+2,” is a Customs Border Patrol (CBP) filing that documents importing information and details as goods move from point to point. Importers who fail to correctly file the ISF prior to the shipment of their goods can be fined. Th...
However, what doesn’t make sense to me is that ISF is on Expeditors paperwork, but there is no ISF filing for that MBL# on my ISF tool system. That’s a problem. That indicates to me that my origin office has not filed this because if they did it would be in our system. 是我...
The most common manifest hold is issued by CBP when they don’t receive an Importer Security Filing (ISF) on time or receives one that contains errors. The ISF is commonly sent by either the shipmaster or importer. A licensed customs broker acting as an importer of recordmay also submit i...
I have a container that triggered a CET HOLD and Vacis Exam. Nothing was found I would like to know what can trigger US Custom to select your container for those types of exam. Examples such as late ISF filing, entry data transmitted to CBP? What? Tamara:On 19 September 2014 I also h...