12. isalnum() Returns true if the string has at least 1 character and all characters are alphanumeric and false otherwise. 13. isalpha() Returns true if the string has at least 1 character and all characters are alphabetic and false otherwise. 14. isdigit() Returns true if the string cont...
Added [[nodiscard]] to the stoi() family of functions in <string> and to various functions in <locale> such as the collate member functions, has_facet(), and the isalnum() and tolower() families. P0980R1 Made std::string constexpr in VS 2019 16.10. Now supported for Clang. P1004R2...
Se ha agregado [[nodiscard]] a la familia de funciones stoi() en <string> y a varias funciones en <locale>, como las funciones miembro collate y has_facet(), y las familias isalnum() y tolower(). P0980R1 Se ha configurado std::string constexpr en VS 2019 16.10. Ahora se admite...