Imagine Isaiah saying Isa. 9:6 For unto us a child is born, Brothers and Sisters…unto us a son is given, Brothers and Sisters…: and the government shall be upon his shoulder, Brothers and Sisters…: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Brothers and Sisters…The mighty Go...
There is another city close by with a large meeting area that Rick talked about. Not sure if that will open up soon. I can’t imagine on a college campus where they still have to hold classes because not every single student is in every meeting and they’re paying to go to the colle...
If you are not a believer and have happened to stumble onto this site, I would urge you to first of all realize that God is Holy. The angels cry "Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh." "Holy, holy, holy." (Isaiah 6:3) All will stand before Him to give an account one day. All will be guil...
Video: This episode is designed to accompany our video called, “Heaven & Earth.” You can view it on our youtube channel here: Book References: The Resurrection of the Son of God by N.T. Wright Scripture References: Genesis 1-2 Isaiah ...
If I can l read Genesis 1:1 with the understanding that Jesus spoke the entirety of the creation into existence; and that Isaiah 45:18 tells us that it was perfect in the day that it was formed, then something cataclysmic happened between verses 1 and 2. It is now easier to understand...
Video: This episode is designed to accompany our video called, “Heaven & Earth.” You can view it on our youtube channel here: Book References: The Resurrection of the Son of God by N.T. Wright Scripture References: Genesis 1-2 Isaia...
One of the joys of studying Scripture is seeing Jesus in them, not just in the gospels or the New Testament alone, but in the pages of books like Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, or Micah. We will spend our entire believing life exploring the Bible for the knowledge, wisdom, and power of the...
Think of our Lord Jesus in whom “it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer” (Isaiah 53:10). Therefore, it would be untrue to state that God won’t place more on us than we can bear. He has, He does, and He will. But He has provided One to bear the ...
Need a pick-up? Holley is writing today on “gratitude when you’ve got an attitude” (like I have sometimes about my house!) She’s also hosting a link-up for writers who are sharing words of encouragement, Coffee for your Heart {here}. ...
The thinking behind these laws is exactly what God is talking about through the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 10:1. Below are a couple of translations of this verse from Gods’ heart to His prophets mouth, and conveyed to the people! ABP-en+ Isa 10:1: “Woe to the ones writing wickedness...