First, what is strategy?Strategy, English is called Strategy, and German is called Strategie. It is said that this is the word "commander" from Greek, which means the command of the army. Another theory is that the word "trick" originated in greek. Indeed, from the East immortal strategy...
In many industries, however, what some call hyper-competition is a self-inflicted wound, not the inevitable outcome of a changing paradigm of competition. The root of the problem is the failure to distinguish between operational effectiveness and strategy. Operational Effectiveness Strategy ≠ Why?
《什么是战略what is strategy》中文版 迈克尔波特来自《哈佛商业.pdf,Michael E. Porter) positioning 20 1 hypercompetition 20 80 operational effective- ness strategy time-based competition reengineering productivity frontier strategic posi- tioning 2 Lotus N
什么是战略?What Is Strategy?
WHAT IS STRATEGY? 1、战略就是生存之道。 战略是一个简单、焦点明确的价值定位,换句话说,战略就是买你的产品而不是选择竞争对手的理由。 2、战略就是建立认知。 定位就是如何在顾客的心智中实施差异化,使品牌进入心智并占据一席之地。企业有了新产品之后,告诉顾客该产品不是什么,往往要比告诉他们该产品是什么...
What is Strategy - Micheal E.Porter (中文版)什么是战略?一、运营效益不等于战略 近20年来,管理者一直在学习运用一套新的管理原则:企业必须具有灵活性,才能迅速回应市场变化和竞争环境的改变;它们必须持续地运用标杆法才能达成最佳实践;它们必须积极采用外包,以获得更高的效率;它们还必须培养若干核心竞争力,...
战略是什么为什么很重要What Is Strategy and Why Is It Important【国外研究报告】 热度: 什么是战略What Is Strategy_[全文] 热度: 什么是战略What Is Strategy 热度: 相关推荐 什么是战略(Whatisstrategy) First,whatisstrategy? Strategy,EnglishiscalledStrategy,andGermaniscalled Strategie.Itissaidthatthis...
Strategy is a word that gets mentioned a lot in business. But what is strategy? And what does it have to do with the work you do every day? There isn’t really a definitive answer to what strategy is, because everyone has their own opinion. H...
What is strategy ? What is strategy ?Cappi, Federico
what is strategy(什么是战略)-迈克尔·波特什么是战略 迈克尔•波特 《哈佛商业评论》中文版2004年1月号 一、运营效益并不是战略 近20年来,各种游戏规则与管理理念层出不穷,令管理者应接不暇。比如,企业必须保持一定的弹性,才能对瞬息万变的市场和竞争变化做出及时的反应;企业必须不断地进行基准比较,才能实现...