Byline: By Euan McArthurDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
This section was added after commenters pointed out the unfair exclusion of dear ol' Irn Bru. If our experience is any measure, no Scotland experience is complete without a sip or two of Irn Bru (pronounced “Iron Brew”), Scotland's second national drink (that is, after whisky). Irn Br...
Byline: By Brian McIverDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
tait, chris
Byline: KENNY MacDONALD REPORTSDaily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
You Can Certainly Lead a Horse to Water but What If It Chooses to Drink Irn-Bru?I don't know if you've noticed but, apparently, we are in the grip of a new era of People Power.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)