One example of integrative medicine in action is a doctor or medical team treating a patient with cancer through chemotherapy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and nutrition therapy. In this way, the whole person is being treated and not simply cancer. How to seek out integrative medicine (what ...
What Is a Doctor of Integrative Medicine?Weeks, John
Wondering how to find an Integrative Medicine Doctor? I’ve got you covered, check out my article‘How to Find an Integrative Medicine Doctor’. And be sure to ask your M.D. important questions to make sure they are the right doctor for you! Here is a list ofquestions to ask your doc...
Consulting with a specialized naturopathic doctor during and after cancer treatment is essential for patient safety. Botanical medicine has the potential to enhance treatments but it could also negatively interact with certain medications. Knowing the right dose, form and delivery of naturopathic interventi...
When patients visit an integrative doctor, they commonly answer questions related to diet, exercise, stress levels, sleeping patterns, digestive and elimination issues and skin health. Some of the physical and mental conditions for which integrative medicine is sometimes used include cancer, heart ...
根据文章第二段“This new kind of medicine can be called integrative (综合的)medicine or complementary medicine”(这种新型医学可以称为综合医学或补充医学)以及“Some of the principles of this type of medicine include preventing illness by helping people stay healthy and integrating different types of ...
Integrative Medicine: It Works, So Use It All of this is not to say that surgery or prescription drugs or medical treatment doesn’t work. Not only do those methods work, they save many lives. But it’s also true that in many cases, these treatments don’t work any better than behavio...
“alternative” and conventional therapies are, claiming certain perfectly ordinary science-based practices such as exercise and a healthy diet are “alternative,” and then using the good data for these to imply that all integrative therapies are equally legitimate. Integrative medicine is largely a ...
InstituteofMedicine(IOM)reportin1999“ToErrisHuman”,anincreasingnumberofstudies haveshownhowcommonanddeleteriousMEsare,especiallyinhospitalmedicine.Withthis, healthcareleadersinvestedtimeandresourcestowardidentifyingandreducingMEs. Amedicalerrorisdefinedas“anincidencewhenthereisanomissionoramistakeinplanning orexecuti...
In the past , some people went to a clinic or hospital to see a medical doctor.Other people trusted traditions and chose treatments such as herbal medicine or acupuncture.T hese two types of medicine - one modern and Western and the other ancient and Eastern- used to have nothing to do ...