我在大学里学过测量理论(measure theory),它是概率论基础的一部分,但我转做概率论研究是受到了同事的影响。 实际上,我从来没有在学校里学过概率论是一个巨大的优势。我因此对它有了不同的视角,这也是我在这个领域取得成功的关键因素。在巴黎那些最好的学校里,(概率论研究者们)都在研究相同的问题:布朗运动、随...
11、o Control ICM o Possession ICM o Containment ICM o Location ICM o Sign and Reference ICMs o Modification ICM What Is Cognitive Linguistics? Blending Theory o Fauconnier and Turner propose and discuss blending or integration theory, a cognitive operation whereby elements of two or more “mental...
ConstrualandConstrualOperationsCategorizationImageSchemasMetaphorMetonymyBlendingTheory ConstrualandConstrualOperations •Construalistheabilitytoconceiveandportraythesamesituationinalternatewaysthroughspecificity,differentmentalscanning,directionality,vantagepoint,figure-groundsegregation,etc.•Attention/...
In what sense is integrational theory lay-oriented? Notes on Harrisian core concepts and explanatory terminologydoi:10.1016/j.langsci.2018.10.001Pablé, AdrianElsevier ScienceLanguage Sciences
Main Points in Cognitive Linguistics Construal and Construal Operations Categorization Image Schemas Metaphor Metonymy Blending Theory Construal and Construal Operations Construal is the ability to conceive and portray the same situation in alternate ways through specificity, different mental scanning, ...
On the surface it appears that integration is the same as fusion. In this paper, we define fusion and integration using the language of category theory. These definitions are in agreement with their usage in the Air Force. Using category theory we show the difference (and similarities) between...
Integrated Marketingis a marketing strategy that stresses the importance of a consistent, seamless, multi-dimensional brand experience for the consumer. This means that each branding effort – across television, radio, print, Internet, and in-person – is presented in a similar style ...
Open source software is source code made available to the public, allowing anyone to view, modify, and distribute the software.
, that hasn't stopped some people from getting really, really upset about what they see as the biden administration's attempt to reckon with the sprawling repercussions of slavery. political cartoons view all 253 images so what is critical race theory, anyway? critical race theory t...
Vertical integration is a business strategy in which a company controls multiple stages of its production process and supply chain, minimizing or eliminating the need for outside entities. By merging various stages of the production processes and supply chain into its own operations, a company can ...